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Policy language


Netspoc reads a policy and generates configuration files for packet filters. The policy is written in Netspoc’s policy language. The policy consists of a network topology and a set of services. A service is a set of related rules which describe the traffic permitted between some network resource and its users.

The policy is either read from all files inside a directory or from a single file.

Getting started

We start with a simple example having one service and a topology which only consist of a few networks.

Service to access WWW servers

A service defines one or more related rules which describe access to (or from) a resource.

networks access WWW server

service:WWW-access = {
 description = Access of customers to WWW servers network
 user = network:Customer_X1, network:Customer_7;
 permit src = user;
        dst = network:WWW-Servers;
        prt = tcp 80;

This service has a single rule. It permits a set of users as source to access a destination network with protocol tcp 80.

In general, all rules of a service must reference the keyword user. This ensures that the rules operate on the same resource.

A small topology

The topology is built from networks and routers, connected by interfaces. For Netspoc, a network is a logical IP network with IP address and prefix length. A router is any device which routes IP packets. Netspoc generates configuration files for managed routers. Unmanaged routers are only used to connect networks.

topology with customers and WWW server

network:Customer_X1 = { ip =; }
router:Backbone-X = {
 interface:To-Backbone = { ip =; }
network:To-Backbone = { ip =; }
router:X = {
 model = IOS, FW;
 interface:To-Backbone = { ip =; hardware = FastEthernet1; }
 interface:Transfer    = { ip =;   hardware = FastEthernet0; }

network:Customer_7 = { ip =; }
router:Y = {
 model = IOS;
 interface:Customer_7 = { ip =; hardware = FastEthernet1; }
 interface:Transfer   = { ip =; hardware = FastEthernet0; }

network:Transfer = { ip =; }
router:WWW = {
 model = ASA;
 interface:Transfer    = { ip =; hardware = GigabitEthernet0; }
 interface:WWW-Servers = { ip =;   hardware = GigabitEthernet1; }
network:WWW-Servers = { ip =; }

The connection between network and router is established by repeating the network name as interface name.

A managed router has additional attributes, which are used to generate device specific code:

  1. model defines the type of the device. E.g. IOS, FW means IOS router with stateful inspection enabled.
  2. Each interface needs an IP address.
  3. hardware of an interface gives the device’s denotation of that interface.

Apply Netspoc to an example

Save both, service and topology into a file named example and call Netspoc like this:

netspoc example code

This generates configuration files for device X, device Y and device WWW in a newly created directory named code.

The generated files contain commands to configure packet filters rules and static routes matching the model of each device.

Defining services

Rules describe, which traffic is permitted to flow between different network resources. In Netspoc, related rules are grouped into services. All rules belonging to a service must use either the same source or destination resource(s). This is enforced by the keyword “user” which must be referenced either from source or from destination or from both parts of a rule.


A rule permits or denies traffic of some protocol to flow from source to destination. Source and destination are one or more network resources.

Each occurrence of the keyword “user” is substituted by its definition. This is typically a group of values.

It doesn’t matter in which order the rules are written. Netspoc places deny rules always in front of all permit rules.


Simple protocols like “tcp 80”, “udp 161-162”, “protocol 50” can be used directly in rules.

You can define named protocols like

protocol:HTTP = tcp 80;

and use “protocol:HTTP” instead of “tcp 80” in a rule.


For TCP and UDP, if two ranges are given, they describe source and destination port.

Only one rule is needed to permit a TCP connection from source to destination. Answer packets are automatically allowed. For stateful packet filters, this is done at the device. For stateless packet filters, Netspoc automatically generates a rule which allows any TCP traffic from destination to source with flag “established” i.e. no SYN flag set.

Similarly, only one rule is needed to let UDP packets pass from source to destination and back. For stateless packet filters, a rule with reversed addresses and reversed port numbers is generated.

For protocol IP and stateless packet filters, a rules with reversed addresses is automatically generated. This is done to get an consistent handling for TCP, UDP and IP.


A network has an IP address with prefix length. It contains any number of host definitions.

Alternatively a network can be unnumbered. An unnumbered network must have no host definitions at all. It must be connected to at most two interfaces which all must be unnumbered. An unnumbered network must not be used in rules.


Hosts represent servers or clients inside a network. A host has an IP address or a range of IP addresses. The IP address(es) must match the address of the surrounding network.


Routers are connected to networks by interfaces. A router can correspond

A router can be managed or unmanaged. An unmanaged router is simply defined to connect some networks.

Netspoc generates access-lists for managed routers. Hence, managed routers need to be defined more accurately since this information is needed for code generation.

Currently these router models are supported:

For ASA devices the attribute , 8.4 can be added to the model definition. This changes generated IPSec commands.


In Netspoc’s policy language, interfaces have no name of their own. Instead a network name is used to indicate which network an interface is linked to.

Vendor specific interface names like ‘eth0’ or ‘FastEthernet3’ are put into the ‘hardware’ attribute. This attribute is mandatory for managed routers. If multiple logical IP networks are attached to a single hardware, these are modelled as different Netspoc interfaces, using the same hardware attribute.

An interface can have one or more IP addresses. All of them must match the IP/mask of the corresponding network. An unnumbered interface must only be linked to an unnumbered network. A negotiated interface has an unknown IP address out of the attached network. If an interface with negotiated IP is used in a rule, the address range of the attached network is taken.

Additional IP addresses can be defined using a secondary interface. Another method to define secondary interfaces is by giving two or more IP addresses to the primary interface. This implicitly defines secondary interfaces with a name which is derived from the name of the primary interface by adding an incrementing number beginning with “2”. This is equivalent to define secondary:2 = {...}, secondary:3 = {...}, ....

A virtual interface defines a shared IP address between two or more routers. See Virtual interfaces for details.

Use attribute ‘loopback’ to define a loopback interface. A loopback interface is not linked to a network, but only used as an additional address of a router. Loopback interfaces of different routers may share the same name, e.g. interface:r1.loop and interface:r2.loop.

For interface definitions of unmanaged routers, all attributes can be left out. An interface definition without any attributes is called a “short interface definition”.

Security zones and aggregates

The topology is partitioned by managed routers which act as security gateways. Each partition consists of a single network or a set of networks, which are connected by unmanaged routers. We call these partitions “security zones”. An aggregate represents all networks inside a security zone.

If some network:N is located inside a security zone, the corresponding security zone can be referenced by any:[network:N].

Use an aggregate as source or destination of a rule to create a wildcard ACL line with IP This can be used to create optimized access lists.

We use the type ‘any:’ for aggregates, because the resulting ACL lines with wildcard address are written as ‘any’ on Cisco devices.

It is possible to define a named aggregate any:X by linking it to some network or unmanaged router inside a security zone.

Matching aggregates

An aggregate can optionally be restricted to a network match. This is best be explained by an example. Suppose, a security zone has a large number of networks. A part of these networks has IP addresses 10.42.x.0/24. You can create wildcard ACLs matching by defining an aggregate with attribute ip = This aggregate matches all networks inside the corresponding security zone with matching IP addresses.

Referencing network resources

Network resources can be used as source or destination in rules. Network resources are:

  1. networks
  2. hosts
  3. aggregates
  4. interfaces

Hosts, networks and aggregates are referenced by the name of their respective definition.

When referencing interfaces, we need to use a different syntax than for interface definitions: the router name followed by a network name interface:<router-name>.<network-name>. A reference to a secondary interface has three parts: the router name, the network name and the name of the secondary interface from its definition interface:<router-name>.<network-name>.<secondary-name>.


An implicit group defines a set of network resources. In the simplest case it is a list of comma separated network resources. This list can be used directly as source or destination of rules.

If the same list of resources is used again and again in different rules, you should define a named group. A named group is defined once and can be referenced by different rules. If the resources change, the list has to be changed only once.

More complicated groups can be build using intersection and complement. Intersection and complement is typically used to remove some elements from a given set of elements.

The definition of a named group can reference other groups.

It is allowed to define an empty named group.

Automatic groups

Automatic groups are used to derive a set of network resources by graph operations directly from the topology.

Selectors [auto] and [all] can be used as network part when referencing an interface.

But note: Unnumbered interfaces are silently removed from these results.

Groups of protocols

A named protocol group defines a set of simple or named protocols. A Protocol group can reference other protocol groups and it can be empty. Intersection and complement is not defined for protocol groups.


An area denotes a part of the topology which is delimited by a set of managed interfaces. An area typically spans multiple security zones. Areas are used

Use attributes border or inclusive_border to define interfaces which are border of the area. border is exclusive. The router of the border interface will not be part of the area. The area starts at the security zone attached to the border interface.

If you use inclusive_border, the router of the border interface is part of the area. The area starts at the router attached to the border interface. This is useful if a router has more than two interfaces and all but one interface X should be part of the area. Then define X as inclusive_border of this area.

Alternatively use attribute anchor to define a starting point from where the area extends. Use attribute anchor to define an area which stretches across the whole topology.

An area must be defined by using either attribute anchor or one or both of attributes border and inclusive_border.

Only interfaces of managed routers must be given as border or inclusive_border.

network:[area:X] denotes the group of all networks inside area X. Use any:[area:X] to get the group of all security zones inside area X.

Path restrictions

In a topology with cyclic subgraphs, there are multiple paths available between source to destination. Per default, Netspoc chooses all available paths and generates filter rules for all devices on all paths.

Path restrictions are used to restrict paths inside cyclic subgraphs. All paths traversing two or more interfaces belonging to the same path restriction are discarded i. e. marked as invalid. Path restrictions must not be used to discard all paths between some source / destination pair. Use a service with deny rules instead. A path restriction must only be applied to interfaces located inside or at the border of a cyclic subgraph of the topology.

A path restriction is automatically added for each group of interfaces belonging to a VRRP or HSRP cluster.

Dual stack objects with combined IPv4 and IPv6

It is possible to define dual stack objects, having both, IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. This simplifies the modeling of a dual stack topology. Otherwise it would be necessary to model a separate IPv4 and IPv6 topology.

Rules between dual stack objects will generate ACLs for IPv4 and IPv6. Rules between dual stack object and pure IPv4 object will silently ignore IPv6 address and generate only ACL for IPv4.

These attributes are used to define dual stack objects:

Other changes resulting from use of dual stack objects:

Automatic dual stack hosts from pure IPv4 hosts

In dual stack networks with many hosts, the IPv6 address is often derived from its IPv4 address.

The attribute auto_ipv6_hosts is used to automatically generate dual stack IP from pure IPv4 hosts. It will generate IPv6 addresses for hosts by combining its IPv4 adress with the IPv6 address of its network.

These attribute values are provided:

This attribute is valid at network, area and host.

Network address translation (NAT)

Network address translation occurs at routers. At one side of a router, a network resource is visible with its original IP address; at some other side this address is translated to a different address.

Currently, Netspoc supports static and dynamic NAT for whole networks.

For static NAT, the translated address uses the same net-mask as the original network. The translation is automatically applied to all host and interface definitions of the translated network. A separate NAT definition for hosts or interfaces is not permitted in this case.

For dynamic NAT, the translated address can have a different net-mask than the original network. Typically a smaller network is used for translation. IP addresses are translated dynamically, hence hosts and interfaces of this network are not addressable from outside. But a dynamic translation of a network can be augmented by static translations for single hosts or interfaces of this network.

Syntax for NAT is divided into two parts:

NAT definition
specifies the translated IP address of a network resource.
NAT binding
applies a set of NAT definitions to an interface.


network:extern has improper IP addresses, which are not usable at network:intern. router:r_ext performs static NAT. The NAT definition and NAT binding tells Netspoc, that and where NAT occurs. host:extern_www and host:extern_mail are visible with addresses and from network:intern.

network:extern = {
 ip =;
 # static NAT definition
 nat:bad128 = { ip =; }
 host:extern_www = { ip =; }
 host:extern_mail = { ip =; }

router:r_ext = {
 interface:intern = {
  ip =;
  # NAT binding
  bind_nat = bad128;

network:intern = { ip =; }

All NAT definitions with the same name establish a set of NAT definitions. A set of NAT definition is effective behind that interface where the NAT binding with the same name occurs. We are defining behind an interface as that part of the topology which is seen when looking from the router to that interface.

Multiple NAT definitions can be given for a single network. These are bound to different interfaces to make different NAT definitions effective at different parts of the topology.

Multiple NAT definitions can be bound to single interface. This simplifies definition of NAT for devices with multiple interfaces.

For dynamic NAT, multiple networks can use identical NAT definitions. This is used to masquerade multiple networks to a single address space.

Use dynamic NAT as attribute of an area definition, to apply the same NAT definition to all networks located inside the area. If some networks of the area already have a NAT defintion with the same name, the original definition is retained. Use identity NAT at network level to exempt some network from NAT at area level.

Netspoc needs to know about NAT for these reasons:

  1. When generating ACLs for an interface it must use those IP addresses which are visible in the area attached to this interface.
  2. The same is true when generating static routing entries.

But the actual NAT commands have to be configured manually.

Attribute acl_use_real_ip

Use attribute acl_use_real_ip for ASA from version 8.3 or later. Netspoc uses real IP and not translated IP when creating ACLs.

Secondary packet filters

In a given topology we can get chains of managed packet filters on the path from source to destination. By default, each device filters the same rules again and again.

A secondary packet filter gets a simpler rule set.

If there is at least one standard packet filter on the path from source to destination, all secondary packet filters on this path get a simplified ACL line for the current rule. This ACL line allows

This simplified filtering assures that the traffic comes from the correct source and goes to the correct destination.

If, for a given rule, there is a chain of secondary packet filters without one standard filter, all devices do standard filtering.

A secondary packet filter is declared with attribute managed = secondary. This can be useful if a router has not enough memory for storing a complete set of filter rules and most of the packets get fully filtered already by some other managed device.

If a device is marked as managed = primary, all rules which pass this device, are implemented as secondary filters on other devices which are marked either as “standard” or as “secondary”. The effect of “primary” can be overridden by choosing the filter type “full” at an other device.

The default filter type for devices which are simply marked as “managed” is “standard”.

Local packet filters

Suppose you have some local networks with IP addresses,, …, belonging to some larger IP address range All these networks are supposed to be connected by one or more local packet filters. There are external networks with other IP addresses. Standard packet filters connect the external networks with some local networks.

In this topology, the local packet filter needs only to check packets, where source and destination address match All other packages from or to external IP addresses can pass unfiltered, because these packets have already been filtered by standard packet filters.

A local packet filter is declared with attribute “managed = local”. An additional attribute “filter_only” defines the list of the to be filtered IP address ranges.

For a local packet filter with “filter_only =;”, Netspoc generates reduced ACLs:

A packet filter is declared as “local” for two purposes:

  1. Get a reduced number of ACL entries for devices not capable to handle many ACL entries.
  2. Allow external traffic, which enters through some other packet-filter not managed by Netspoc.

All networks located inside a security zone connected to a local packet filter must match “filter_only”. But other security zones are allowed to contain networks matching “filter_only”. In this case, the optimization becomes less effective. Multiple local packet filters connected directly, without a standard packet filter in between, must use the same values for “filter_only”.

If traffic is filtered only by one secondary and one local packet filter then the secondary filter does standard filtering.

If attribute “filter_only” has N values, then we would get NxN deny rules for each source/destination pair. But for a leaf security zone, only connected to one local packet filter, we already know that each source address matches “filter_only”. Hence we deny any source address in this case:

Outgoing ACL

By default, Netspoc generates incoming access lists at each interface of a managed device. Use the attribute no_in_acl at one interface, to move the incoming ACL from this interface to outgoing ACLs at the other interfaces of the same device.

This is useful for situations like this:

  1. The packet filter connects multiple customers to some central site. Each customer needs to inspect the ACLs of ‘his’ interface, but must not see ACLs of the other customers. Declaring the interface to the central site with ‘no_in_acl’ adds outgoing ACL to each customers interface.
  2. The packet filter has three interfaces A, B, C. There is a rule permit network:A -> any:[network:B]. With only incoming ACLs, this would allow traffic from network:A to any:[network:C] as well. With attribute no_in_acl at interface A we get outgoing ACLs at interface B and C which permit traffic to any:[network:B] but not to any:[network:C].

For IOS there remains a minimal incoming ACL that filters traffic for the device itself.

These restrictions apply:

Outgoing ACLs are supported for model NX-OS, IOS and ASA.


Logging can be controlled by log attributes:

  1. log_default: Add logging to each rule of a device.
  2. log_deny: Add logging to each deny rule of a device.
  3. log:<tag>: Change logging individually for each combination of managed device and rule.

Give one or more log definitions log:<tag> at devices, where logging should be enabled. With <tag> being some valid identifier.

Define attribute log = <tag1>, ...; at each rule that needs logging. A rule with logging for <tag1> is logged at each device, where a matching log:<tag1> is defined.

For some devices these attributes accept one or more log modifiers as value that control the behaviour of logging.

Model ASA allows a single modifier alerts | critical | debugging | disable | emergencies | errors | informational | notifications | warnings. The severity names correspond to well known UNIX log severities. The special name disable disables logging for a rule.

Model IOS allows a single modifier log-input.

Model NSX accepts a single modifier tag:VALUE. This uses the given value as label when logging.

Model PAN-OS accepts one or more of these modifiers


Static routing

From its knowledge about the topology, Netspoc generates static routing entries for each managed device.

Routing entries are generated for all network resources, which are used in some rule. I.e. no routing entries are generated for unused parts of the topology. Even for resources which are only used as source of a rule, routing entries are generated, since stateful packet filters implicitly allow answer packets back to the source.

If an aggregate is used in a rule, routing entries are generated for all networks which are located inside the corresponding security zone.

An interface of an unmanaged router must have an IP address, if there is some managed interface with static routing enabled in the same network. We need this requirement for getting all routing entries generated.

Dynamic routing

If an interface of a device has an attribute routing=<routing protocol>, no static routing entries are generated for networks reachable by that interface. Access control lists for this interface are automatically augmented to permit incoming packets of the routing protocol. Currently EIGRP and OSPF are supported.

If routing=dynamic is set, no routing code is generated for this interface. Some other means (e.g. BGP) has to be used to get routes at this interface.

Use routing=manual at router level to disable generation of routing code for the whole device. Manually defined routes are left unchanged by Netspoc-Approve in this case.

Default route

Netspoc can reduce the number of static routing entries per device by automatically inserting a default route. For each device it finds the hop, where the largest number of routing entries points to and replaces them with a single default route to this hop.

This behaviour can be switched on or off by option --auto_default_route.

This behaviour is automatically disabled for a device

Rerouting inside a security zone

Internal traffic which flows inside a security zone isn’t filtered at all. In some cases, an interface X of a managed (filtering) router is used as a default route for traffic which normally flows inside a security zone. This would cause internal traffic to be routed to X. Interface X would deny this traffic.

You can handle this case by defining an attribute reroute_permit at a managed interface. Value of this attribute is a list of networks, for which any internal traffic should be allowed.


router:x is managed, router:y is unmanaged.

router:x -- network:a -- router:y -- network:b

network:a and network:b are inside the same security zone, since router:y isn’t managed. If traffic from network:a to network:b is routed first to router:x and then to router:y, router:x would deny this traffic. Use reroute_permit = network:b at interface:x.a to permit any incoming traffic to network:b.

Virtual interfaces

A virtual interface defines a shared IP address between a group of two or more redundancy interfaces. The virtual interface definition is repeated at each member of the group of redundancy interfaces.

The virtual interface can be referenced in rules by appending “.virtual” to the name of the original interface (e.g.

The virtual IP address is used as next hop address when generating static routes.

A virtual IP must be different from real IP address(es). It is valid to define an interface having only a virtual IP, but no real IP address.

The type of redundancy protocol can optionally be declared. Redundancy protocols VRRP and HSRP are supported. In this case, ACLs for the associated real interfaces are automatically augmented to permit incoming packets of the redundancy protocol.

If the protocol is declared, an optional id attribute with a numeric value can be declared. It is used for consistency checks but currently it is not used when generating code for managed devices.

Add attribute crosslink to a define a crosslink network.

A crosslink network combines two or more routers to a cluster of routers. Filtering occurs only at the outside interfaces of the cluster. The crosslink interfaces permit any traffic, because traffic has already been filtered by some other device of the cluster. These characteristics are enforced for crosslink networks:

Protocol modifiers

One or more protocol modifiers can optionally be appended to a named protocol definition. A protocol modifier modifies the rule in which the corresponding protocol is used as follows:

The rule is only applied to stateless devices.
At stateless devices, don’t automatically generate rules to permit answer packets.
Source and destination are swapped.
If destination of rule is a host or interface, find the enclosing network N and replace destination by N. Exception: hosts having a VPN id and interfaces of manged routers are left unchanged.
Equivalent to dst_net modifier but applied to source of rule.

Keyword “foreach” in services

With the keyword “foreach”, the substitution of keyword “user” occurs repeatedly for each element of the definition of “user”. Used together with automatic groups, this feature allows to define rules between elements and their neighbourhood.


service:ping_local = {
 description = Allow ping to my_devices from directly attached network
 user = foreach interface:[group:my_devices].[all];
 permit src = network:[user]; dst = user; prt = icmp 8;

Subnet relation between networks

All networks must be disjunctive if option ‘check_subnets’ is active. This can be useful for a large topology, where a network can easily be redefined by mistake. Exceptions must be declared explicitly:

Policy distribution point

A server, which distributes the Netspoc generated configuration to managed devices is called “policy_distribution_point”. Inside a topology one or more policy distribution points can be used. Use attribute “policy_distribution_point” at routers or at “router_attributes” of areas to define a policy distribution point for each device.

This allows Netspoc to know by which IP address a device is reached from the policy distribution point. This IP address is added as a comment to each generated device configuration. It is later used to reach the device when deploying the configuration by Netspoc-Approve.

Disable generation of object-groups

Netspoc generates optimized code using object-groups for devices of type ASA and NX-OS. Use router attribute no_group_code to disable this optimization.

Defining crypto tunnels

A crypto tunnel between two interfaces is defined by marking one interface with attribute hub and the other one with attribute spoke. The value of both attributes is the name of a crypto type. This name is used for two purposes:

  1. Hub and spoke definitions using the same crypto type are linked together.
  2. Technical details of the crypto tunnel are defined in the corresponding crypto defintion.

A large number of crypto tunnels of a hub and spoke topology can be defined easily. If only a single tunnel is needed, one interface is arbitrarily marked as hub.

Encrypted VPN tunnels are supported for

Access lists at crypto tunnels

For devices of type ASA or ASA,VPN, incoming traffic of crypto tunnels is filtered at interface ACL. Netspoc uses “no sysopt connection permit-vpn” to enable filtering of VPN traffic at interface ACL.

For IOS routers, a separate access-list is used for filtering incoming traffic of crypto tunnels.

Changing default values of command line switches

The behavior of Netspoc can be adjusted using command line switches. See man netspoc for details.

You can change values for command line switches permanently for a project by adding a file named “config” in the toplevel directory of the Netspoc configuration.

Format of the “config” file:

Copyright © 2024 Heinz Knutzen