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Netspoc Policy Language

General syntax

<name> is built from one or more alphanumerical utf8 characters together with hyphen and underscore. <external name> is built from any characters, but not whitespace, no delimiters ;,= and no quotes "'. <string> is like <external name>, but with space characters included.

... *
zero or more occurences
.. | ..
optional part
to clarify scope of * and
"[", "]"
real bracket characters

Definitions for IPv4 and IPv6

<ip>           ::= some valid IPv4 or IPv6 address
<prefix-len>   ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | ... | 32 or 0 | 1 | 2 | ... | 128

Netspoc configuration

<netspoc configuration> ::=
  <network definition>
| <router definition>
| <aggregate defintion>
| <area definition>
| <group definition>
| <protocol definition>
| <protocol group definition>
| <service definition>
| <pathrestriction definition>
| <owner definition>
| <crypto definition>
| <ipsec definition>
| <isakmp definition>

Network definition

<network definition> ::=
  network:<network name> = {
     [ <description> ]
     ip = <ip-net>; | unnumbered;
     [ ip6 = <ip-net>; | unnumbered6; ]
     <control service attr>*
     <network NAT> *
     [ subnet_of = network:<network name>; ]
     [ has_subnets;                ]
     [ crosslink;                  ]
     [ owner = <name>;             ]
     [ partition = <name>;         ]
     [ auto_ipv6_hosts = ( readable | binary | none ); ]
     <host definition> *

<control service attr> ::=
  ( overlaps | unknown_owner | multi_owner | has_unenforceable )
  ( restrict | enable | ok );

<network NAT> ::=
  nat:<name> = {
     ip = <ip-net>; |  hidden; | identity;
     [ dynamic;                    ]
     [ subnet_of = network:<network name>; ]

<network name> ::= <name>[/<bridge-part>]
<bridge-part>  ::= <name>
<description>  ::= description = <text_to_end_of_line>[;]
<ip-net>       ::= <ip>/<prefix-len>

Host definition

<host definition> ::=
  host:<name> = {
     ip = <ip>; | range = <ip>-<ip>;
     [ ip6 = <ip>; | range6 = <ip>-<ip>; ]
     [ auto_ipv6_hosts = ( readable | binary | none ); ]
     [ owner = <name>;            ]
     <host NAT> *

<host NAT> ::= nat:<name> = { ip = <ip>; }

Router definition

<router definition> ::=
  router:<router name> = {
     [ <description> ]
     [ managed; | managed = <filter type>;        ]
     [ model = <model>;                           ]
     [ management_instance;                       ]
     [ backup_of = router:<name>;                 ]
     [ filter_only = <ip-net>(, <ip-net>)*;       ]
     [ routing = ( EIGRP | OSPF | RIPv2 | dynamic | manual ); ]
     [ policy_distribution_point = host:<name>;   ]
     [ general_permit = <protocol list>;          ]
     [ log_default [= <modifiers>];               ]
     [ log_deny [= <modifiers>];                  ]
     ( log:<name> [= <modifiers>]; )*
     [ no_group_code;    ]
     [ no_protect_self;  ]
     [ owner = <name>;   ]
     <interface definition> *
     <short interface definition> *

<router name>  ::= <name>[@<VRF-name>]
<VRF-name>     ::= <name>
<filter type>  ::= primary | full | standard | secondary | local |
<model>        ::= Linux | ASA | IOS | IOS,FW | NX-OS | PAN-OS
<modifiers>    ::= <ASA-modifier> |
                   <IOS-modifier> |
                   <NSX-modifier> |
<ASA-modifier> ::= alerts | critical | debugging | disable | emergencies |
                   errors | informational | notifications | warnings
<IOS-modifier>    ::= log-input
<NSX-modifier>    ::= tag:<name>
<PAN-OS-modifier> ::= start | end | <PAN-OS-setting>
<PAN-OS-setting>  ::= setting:<name>
<PAN-OS-modifier-list> ::= <PAN-OS-modifier>(, <PAN-OS-modifier>)*

Interface definition

<interface definition> ::=
  interface:<network name> = {
     [ ip  = ( <ip>(, <ip>)* | unnumbered  | negotiated ); ]
     [ ip6 = ( <ip>(, <ip>)* | unnumbered6 | negotiated6 ); ]
     <secondary interface definition> *
     [ <virtual interface definition>       ]
     (<host NAT> | <network NAT>)*
     [ bind_nat = <name>(, <name>)*;        ]
     [ dhcp_client;                         ]
     [ dhcp_server;                         ]
     [ hardware = <external name>;          ]
     [ loopback;                            ]
     [ no_in_acl;                           ]
     [ reroute_permit = <object set>;       ]
     [ routing = ( EIGRP | OSPF | RIPv2 | dynamic ); ]
     [ subnet_of = network:<network name>;          ]
     [ vip;                                 ]
     [ owner = <name>;                      ]

where <object set> must expand to networks.

<secondary interface definition> ::=
  secondary:<name> = {
       ip = <ip>;
       [ ip6 = <ip>; ]

<virtual interface definition> ::=
  virtual = {
       ip = <ip>;
       [ ip6 = <ip>; ]
       [ type = ( VRRP | HSRP | HSRPv2 ); ]
       [ id = <int>;             ]

<short interface definition> ::=
  interface:<network name>;

Aggregate definition

<aggregate defintion> ::=
  any:<name> = {
     [ <description> ]
     link = network:<network name>;
     [ ip = <ip-net>; | ip6 = <ip-net>; ]
     [ owner = <name>;          ]
     <control service attr>*
     <network NAT> *
     [ no_check_supernet_rules; ]

Area definition

<area definition> ::=
  area:<name> = {
     [ <description> ]
     ( [ border = <object set>; ]
       [ inclusive_border = <object set>; ]
     ) | anchor = network:<network name>;
     [ owner = <name>; ]
     [ ipv4_only; ]
     [ ipv6_only; ]
     [ auto_ipv6_hosts = ( readable | binary | none ); ]
     <control service attr>*
     <network NAT> *
     [ <default router attributes> ]

where <object set> must expand to interfaces.

<default router attributes> ::=
  router_attributes = {
    [ owner = <name>; ]
    [ policy_distribution_point = host:<name>; ]
    [ general_permit = <protocol list>;        ]

Set of objects

<object set>   ::= <intersection> | <object set> , <intersection>
<intersection> ::= <object> | <intersection> & <complement>
                            | <complement> & <intersection>
<complement>   ::= <object> | ! <object>

<object> ::= host:<name>
           | network:<network name>
           | any:<name>
           | interface:<router name>.<network name>[.<name>]
           | group:<name>
           | <auto group>

Automatic group

<auto group> ::=
  interface:<router name>."["<selector>"]"
| interface:"[" [ managed & ] <object set with area>"]"."["<selector>"]"
| network:"["<object set with area>"]"
| any:"[" [ ( ip | ip6 ) = <ip-net> & ] <object set with area>"]"
| host:"["<object set with area>"]"

<selector> ::= auto | all
<object set with area> is like <object set>
  but with additional area:<name> allowed in <object>

Group definition

<group definition> ::=
  group:<name> =
    [ <description> ]
    <object set with area>

Protocol definition

<protocol definition> ::=
  protocol:<name> = <simple protocol>|<modified protocol>;

<simple protocol> ::=
| tcp [[<range> :] <range>]
| udp [[<range> :] <range>]
| icmp   [<int>[/<int>]]
| icmpv6 [<int>[/<int>]]
| proto <int>

<range> ::= <int> | <int>-<int>

<modified protocol> ::= <simple protocol> | <modified protocol>,<protocol modifier>

<protocol modifier> ::=
  stateless | oneway | reversed
  | src_net | dst_net
  | overlaps | no_check_supernet_rules

Groups of protocols

<protocol group definition> ::=
  protocolgroup:<name> = <protocol list>;

<protocol list> ::= <protocol>(, <protocol>)*
<protocol> ::= protocol:<name> | protocolgroup:<name> | <simple protocol>

Service definition

<service definition> ::=
  service:<name> = {
     [ <description>              ]
     [ disable_at = <date>;       ]
     [ disabled;                  ]
     [ multi_owner;               ]
     [ unknown_owner;             ]
     [ has_unenforceable;         ]
     [ identical_body = service:<name>(, service:<name>)*; ]
     [ overlaps = service:<name>(, service:<name>)*; ]
     [ ipv4_only; ]
     [ ipv6_only; ]
     user = [ foreach ] <object set>;
     <rule> *


<rule> ::=
        src = <object set with 'user'>;
        dst = <object set with 'user'>;
        prt = <protocol list>;
      [ log = <name>(, <name>)*; ]

  <object set with 'user'> is like <object set>
   but with additional keyword 'user' allowed in <object>

  <date> ::= a date with format YYYY-MM-DD

Path restriction

<pathrestriction definition> ::=
  pathrestriction:<name> =
    [ <description> ]
    <object set>

where <object set> must expand to interfaces.

Owner definition

<owner definition> ::=
  owner:<name> = {
    admins = <email>(, <email>)*;
    [ watchers = <email_or_wildcard>(, <email_or_wildcard>)*; ]
    [ extend;           ]
    [ extend_only;      ]
    [ extend_unbounded; ]
    [ show_all;         ]
    <control service attr>*

<email> ::= some valid email address or 'guest'
<domain> ::= some valid email domain part
<wildcard> ::= "["all"]"@<domain>
<email_or_wildcard> ::= <email> | <wildcard>

admins are optional if extend_only is set.


Crypto definition

<crypto definition> ::=
  crypto:<name> = {
    [ <description> ]
    type = ipsec:<name>;
    [ detailed_crypto_acl; ]

<ipsec definition> ::=
  ipsec:<name> = {
    [ <description> ]
    key_exchange = isakmp:<name>;
    esp_encryption = ( aes | aes192 | aes256 | des | 3des | none );
    esp_authentication = ( md5 | sha | sha256 | sha384 | sha512 | none );
    ah = ( md5 | sha |sha256 | sha384 | sha512 | none );
    pfs_group = ( 1 | 2 | 5 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 24 | none );
    lifetime = [ <int> <timeunit> ] [ <int> kilobytes ];

<isakmp definition> ::=
  isakmp:<name> = {
    [ <description> ]
    ike_version = ( 1 | 2 );
    nat_traversal = ( on | additional | off );
    authentication = ( preshare | rsasig );
    encryption = ( aes | aes192 | aes256 | des | 3des );
    hash = ( md5 | sha | sha256 | sha384 | sha512 );
    group = ( 1 | 2 | 5 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 24 );
    lifetime = <int> <timeunit>;
    trust_point = <name>;


<timeunit> ::= sec | min | hour | day | secs | mins | hours | days

Tunnel definition

interface:<name1> = {
  hub = crypto:<name>(,crypto:<name>)*;
  [ no_check; ]

interface:<name2> = {
  spoke = crypto:<name>;

Crypto is supported for model ‘ASA’ and ‘IOS’.

Model ASA,VPN switches to VPN concentrator mode. Default is site-to-site mode.

Model IOS,EZVPN generates EasyVPN configuration for IOS router connected to VPN concentrator.

Additional attributes need to be defined for model ASA,VPN in attribute radius_attributes. These attributes are used at host definitions of software clients, but are also inherited from correspondig network and VPN router definition.

host:id:<cert-name>  = { .. <radius-attributes> .. }
host:id:<cert-match> = { .. <radius-attributes> .. }
network:<name>       = { .. <radius-attributes> .. }
router:<name>        = { .. <radius-attributes> .. }

<radius-attributes> ::=
  radius_attributes = {
    trust-point = <string>;
    [ anyconnect-custom_perapp = <string>;    ]
    [ banner = <string>;                      ]
    [ check-subject-name = <string>;          ]
    [ check-extended-key-usage = <string>;    ]
    [ dns-server = <string>;                  ]
    [ default-domain = <string>;              ]
    [ group-lock;
    [ split-dns;                              ]
    [ wins-server = <string>;                 ]
    [ vpn-access-hours = <string>;            ]
    [ vpn-idle-timeout = <string>;            ]
    [ vpn-session-timeout = <string>;         ]
    [ vpn-simultaneous-logins = <string>;     ]
    [ vlan = <string>;                        ]
    [ authentication-server-group = <string>; ]
    [ authorization-server-group = <string>;  ]
    [ authorization-required;                 ]
    [ username-from-certificate = <string>;   ]
    [ password-management_password-expire-in-days = <string>; ]
    [ split-tunnel-policy = tunnelall | tunnelspecified; ]

Software client with certificate authentication

Software clients are similar to hosts, but name or pattern of certificate is used as name of host.

network:<network name> = {
  <Software client>*
  <Software client group>*

<Software client> ::=
  host:id:<cert-name> = { .. }
<Software client group> ::=
  host:id:<cert-match> = { .. }

<cert-name>  ::= <name>(.<name>)*@<name>(.<name>)*
<cert-match> ::=                 [@]<name>(.<name>)*

Host definition of software client and correspondig network definition can have <radius-attributes>, which augment or overwrite attributes of correspondig VPN concentrator.

Software client with LDAP authentication

Host is authenticated with its ldap_id at LDAP server. Additionally the network is authenticated at VPN concentrator with its cert_id.

If all hosts of a network use a common postfix string, this can be moved to attribute ‘ldap_append’ of that network.

network:<network name> = {
  cert_id = <domain-name>
  [ ldap_append = string; ]
  <LDAP client>*

<LDAP client> ::= <host definition> with additional attributes:
  ldap_id = <LDAP-attribute>

<domain-name> ::= <name>(.<name>)*
<LDAP-attribute> ::= <string>

Hardware client

interface:<name> = {
  id = <cert-name>;
Copyright © 2024 Heinz Knutzen