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Technical documentation

On this page, we are going to develop a technical netspoc documentation describing how Nespoc works internally. The structure of this documentation will follow the Netspoc program procedure, providing a general overview over the program as well as orientation when contributing to the source code. Network architectures are represented and processed by Netspoc as graphs, with routers and networks as nodes and interfaces as edges. For better understanding, several pictures are included in this documentation, using the symbols depicted below. As you might have noticed, there is no symbol for interfaces included. As interfaces are needed whenever a network is connected to a router, we omit their explicit representation.

Legend of used symbols.
Legend of used symbols.

Netspocs perspective

Netspoc generates ACLs and static routes for a given network policy, consisting of a set of services and a network topology. It does so by finding all paths inside the network topology for a certain source and destination pair specified in a rule from the service set. It is important to notice, that the network topology best fed to Netspoc is not necassarily an exact copy of the real network. Instead, the input topology should be a model of the network that provides just as much information as needed for Netspocs purpose. For example, complex parts of the network with dynamic routing and without filtering are not affected by Netspoc at all. They should therefore be replaced in the input topology by a single unmanaged router. This saves time and space during compilation and is easier to maintain. In very complex network topologies, even constellations may occur where it is suitable to include parts of the network twice to reduce complexity. As long as the ACLs and static routes are not affected, that would also provide a valid model of the network.

When the abstract topology model created by the user is handed over to Netspoc, Netspoc takes several steps to transform it into a graph representation to work on. As before, this representation is not designed to reproduce reality, but to represent those aspects of the topology that are important for generating ACLs and static routes. Moreover, these aspects are modeled to allow completing these tasks as efficiently as possible.

Preparing zones and areas

Netspoc combines networks connected by unmanaged routers in zones. These zones, containing networks and unmanaged routers as elements, are delimited by zone interfaces of managed or semi-manged routers. Every zone element is part of exactly one zone. Partitioning the network topology into zones results in several benefits: Zones can be used to define attributes for all networks located in a zone, users may refer to zones as source or destination in rule definition and finally, zones help to speed up the traversal of the graph. As filtering takes place only at zone delimiting interfaces, zones can be traversed instead of single networks.

Zones contain networks and unmanaged routers.
Zones contain networks and unmanaged routers.

Areas, defined in Netspoc topology by the keyword area, span a certain part of the network topology, which is enclosed by the areas borders. The borders of an area refer to interfaces of managed routers. While a border definition includes the adjacent zone but excludes the adjacent router from the area, an inclusive_border definition includes the router but not the zone. Areas are used to define attributes and NAT information for all included managed routers and networks and may be used by the user as source or destination in rule definition.

area:a1 = {
  border = interface:R1.n1;
  inclusive_border = interface:R3.n2;
Areas contain security zones and managed routers.
Areas contain security zones and managed routers.

Creating zones

As every network is contained by exactly one zone, all networks are processed, creating a new zone object for every network without a zone. Then a depth first search is conducted beginning at the network and stopping at managed or semi-managed routers, to collect the zones elements and border interfaces of a zone object. References to the zone are set in the collected objects. Zone attributes are set according to the properties of the included networks.

Identifying zone clusters

Netspoc generates a topology representation to find paths between sources and destinations, using zones to accelerate graph traversal. We will see, that Netspoc allows users to refer to security zones in rules. From users point of view, security zones look slightly different from the Netspoc representation though: Semi-managed routers, which are either unmanaged routers with a path restriction or managed routers without filtering, appear as unmanaged routers to the user. Thus, when a user refers to a security zone, a set of networks is supposed that is internally represented as zone cluster. Zone clusters contain zones connected by semi-managed routers and delimited by managed routers.

Zones: Netspoc representation vs. user view.
Zones: Netspoc representation vs. user view.

To generate zone clusters, the zones are processed. If a zone is found that is not included in a cluster, a new cluster object is created. Then a depth first search is conducted, starting at the zone and stopping at managed routers to collect all zones of the cluster. If the cluster contains a single zone only, it is deleted.

The following three steps are not part of zone/area generation, but are placed inside the set_zone function in source code and therefore included here.

Apply no_in_acl declaration

Netspoc allows router interfaces to be tagged as no_in_acl interfaces, indicating that no ACL is supposed to be generated at the tagged interface but at the other (outgoing) interfaces of the router instead. Netspoc distinguishes between logical interface and hardware, because several networks can be connected to a router via one single interface hardware. As ACLs are generated for the hardware, all managed routers with no_in_acl interfaces have to be processed, transferring the tags to the hardware objects of the tagged interfaces, and marking the routers other hardware objects to need outgoing ACLs.

Networks just connecting managed routers may be marked as crosslink networks during topology declaration:

network:crosslink_network = {ip =; crosslink;}

Routers connected by crosslink networks act as a single router, causing ACLs to be needed only at the outer interfaces of a crosslinked router cluster. This holds in cases where the clustered routers have equal filter types only though. Otherwise, interfaces of routers with stronger filter types still have to filter information coming from routers with weaker filter types, letting pass more information.

Routers connected by crosslink network.
Routers connected by crosslink network.

Netspoc processes every crosslink network to identify the adjacent routers with weakest filter strength. The hardware of the appropriate interfaces is then tagged with the crosslink flag, indicating that no ACL needs to be generated.

Cluster crosslinked routers

Firewalls recognize, whether the destination of a data packet is the firewalls interface with IP = or the network with IP = connected to this interface, while routers do not. This is why in router ACLs, access to the interface must be denied if a permission for the network is given. As Netspoc uses the term router for both routers and firewalls, router devices that need interface denial in their ACLs are labeled with the need_protect flag.

When connected by crosslink networks, some of the interfaces of need_protect labeled routers will not generate ACLs, relying on the crosslinked routers to do the filtering. Thus, these routers must be informed about the interfaces of the need_protect-labeled router to include appropriate deny-clauses in their ACLs.

As no filtering takes place at IF1 and IF4, routers R2 and R3 need to filter packets for IF 1-4.
As no filtering takes place at IF1 and IF4, routers R2 and R3 need to filter packets for IF 1-4.

Netspoc identifies clusters of crosslinked routers containing at least one router labeled with need_protect. To do so, a depth first search is conducted, starting at need_protect labeled routers and traversing routers and crosslink networks only.The interfaces of the clusters need_protect routers are then referenced in every router of the cluster.

Preparing area set up

The border interfaces of an area are referenced in the area object. To set up the areas, Netspoc needs the information whether an interface is a border or not, to be available at the interface objects also. Therefore, references to the limited area are set in border interfaces now. Along the way, routers that are included in an area via inclusive_border are collected for later use.

Setting up areas

As was seen above, areas are used to set attributes for routers and networks included by the areas borders. For this purpose, Netspoc has to identify the networks and managed routers of every area: Starting at one of the areas borders, a depth first search is conducted, traversing the adjacent zones and routers and stopping at the areas border interfaces. The border type of the start interface indicates the direction of the traversal: If it is of type border, the adjacent zone is part of the area, while the router is not. If otherwise the type is inclusive_border the router is included in the area, but not the zone. Traversed zones and managed routers are collected in the area object, and references to the area are stored in its zones and managed routers. If an area object contains no zones, it is deleted. Netspoc checks for proper border definitions during area set up.

Areas may be defined by the user as anchor areas, that is, without border definitions, but an anchor network instead. This is used to define an area containing the whole topology. Depth first search starting at the zone of the anchor network is used to collect all networks and managed routers.

Finding subset relations

Areas may be nested, with one area being a proper subset of another area. Zones and managed routers included by more than one area always inherit the attributes of the innermost area. For this reason, intersection of two areas can not be allowed.

Area 2 is a proper subset of area 1.
Area 2 is a proper subset of area 1.

Netspoc detects subset relations by processing every zone contained by one or more areas, identifying all areas containing the zone. Then, each of these areas is compared with the one next in size to check whether every zone inside the smaller area is also contained in the bigger one. A reference to the superset area is added to proper subset areas. If duplicate areas or areas with intersections are found, Netspoc will emit an error message.

Of course, proper subset relations have to hold not only for zones, but also for routers. For most of the routers, proper subset relation has been assured already by proving subset relations for the surrounding zones. If routers are placed at the border of an area though, subset relations can be violated:

Overlapping areas with router as intersection.
Overlapping areas with router as intersection.

Routers as intersection. To prevent overlapping areas with a single router as intersection, every router contained via inclusive_border is processed: each of the areas containing a certain router as inclusive_border is checked to be in a proper subset relation with the area next in size regardingthe zones.

Wrong border definition of router violates proper subset relation .
Wrong border definition of router violates proper subset relation .

Routers with wrong border classification. It might happen that areas forming a proper subset relation regarding their zones are overlapping because a router is included in the smaller area but not in the big one. To find such cases, all areas are processed, checking whether they are a subset of another area. If so, all managed routers of the smaller area are checked to be included in the bigger area also.

Linking aggregates

Users may use the keyword any to define aggregates. Aggregates refer to a set of IP addresses inside a zone and can be used as source or destination in rules. Internally, aggregates are represented by network objects with an is_aggregate flag set. Aggregates include either all networks of a zone cluster or, if a specific IP mask is defined, just those networks of the zone cluster matching the aggregates IP mask. The zone cluster an aggregate refers to is specified by its link network, which is a network inside the cluster.

any:aggregate1 = {link = network:networkA;}
any:aggregate2 = {link = network:networkB; ip =;}

Aggregates with no specified IP or IP = 0/0 are used to pass the aggregates nat definition and owner attributes to the included zones.

Netspoc now processes the aggregates, linking them to the zones of the zone cluster. Because aggregate objects hold an array of all networks included by both the aggregare and the linked zone, a new aggregate object has to be created for every zone to avoid all networks of the zone cluster being included in the array. All aggregate objects are stored within the global network hash for later use.

Inheriting area attributes

Area attributes are now passed to the zones and managed routers of an area. To enable inheritance from the innermost area with nested areas, areas are processed in ascending order regarding their size. For every area, router attributes are passed on to the areas routers and NAT attributes are passed to the areas zones. If routers or zones already have an attribute that is to be passed by the area, either because of router/zone definitions or because of inheritance from another (smaller) area, the attribute value is not overwritten. Netspoc generates a warning though if the area and zone/router values of the attribute are equal.

Passing NAT to networks

NAT information is needed within the network objects that are supposed to have address translation. Netspoc therefore processes all zones with NAT definitions and passes them to each of the zones networks. If a NAT attribute of the zone is already set in a network, the networks NAT attribute is not overwritten, but a warning is emitted if the NAT attributes values are equal for both zone and network.

Preparing fast path traversal

Netspoc finds paths inside the network topology. As we have seen above, zones have been applied to accelerate graph traversal, and consistently, we will consider the network topology graph to be build by zones and managed routers (nodes) and interfaces (edges) when it comes to graph traversal. For a clearer representation, we will therefore omit the representation of networks and unmanaged routers in the following pictures. Zones will be depicted as lines and managed routers by an uncolored router symbol instead.

Zones are depicted as lines and managed routers by uncoloured router symbols.
Topology representation for graph traversal: Zones are depicted as lines and managed routers by uncoloured router symbols.

Netspocs approach to path finding

To find paths from a certain source to a destination, the topology graph is prepared by a single depth first search starting at a randomly chosen zone1. The distances of the graphs node objects to zone1 are identified and stored in the respective objects. Then, the path from source to destination can be easily found by starting at source and destination nodes, walking towards smaller distances/zone1 until the paths meet. Loops are contracted to a single node with a common intermediate distance being applied to all loop nodes, except for the loop exit to zone1.

Paths are found by walking from source and destination towards zone1 until the connecting node is found.
Path finding in Netspoc: Paths are found by walking from source and destination towards zone1 until the connecting node is found.

Identifying distances and loops

Netspoc now conducts the depth first search from a randomly chosen zone1. Within every zone and router object reached, the distance (x2!) to zone1 is stored. To have the direction to zone1 available at every node, the interface (for zones/routers) or zone/router object (for interfaces) leading to zone1 is stored in the node objects.

Whenever a loop is found, that is, a node that has already been discovered is reached again, a loop object is created (Applying distances, 10, 14). This loop object contains the node that has been visited twice as loop exit and the distance of that node to zone1 +1 as loop distance. Then, Netspoc returns from recursion and references the loop object in the loop variable of all nodes located on the loop path (Applying distances, 11-12, 15-21). As we want all nodes inside a loop to be represented as a single node, Netspoc recognizes nested loops: Whenever Netspoc is on a loop return path and finds a node already referencing a loop object (Applying distances, 16), the loop objects are compared. The nodes loop reference is then set to the object of the bigger loop (that is, the loop with a lower distance to zone1). Additionally, a reference to the bigger loop object is set in the redirect variable of the smaller (nested) loop. Thus, nodes of the nested loop that are not on the loop path of the bigger loop can be identified later to reset the loop reference.

Distances to `zone1` are applied to all nodes; loops are identified and labeled with loop distances.
Applying distances: Distances to `zone1` are applied to all nodes; loops are identified and labeled with loop distances.

When Netspoc is on a loop return path and reaches the exit node of the loop, a loop exit object is created and referenced in the loop variable of the exit node (Applying distances:, 22). Like the loop object, the loop exit object stores a reference to the exit node and a distance value, which is exactly the distance value of the exit node.

The use of different loop objects for loop nodes and loop exit nodes shows when a special topology is considered (Cactus loops). In so called cactus graphs, cycles have single nodes in common. When looking for paths in such graphs, it is helpful if loops sharing a single node are represented as different loops and not summarized to one: Different loop distances help to find the fastes path to zone1. When Netspoc finds a loop connecting node (Cactus loops, 16) different objects for loop and loop exit allow to keep the already found (green) loop and to establish the new (orange) loop and to preserve the different distances to zone1. Without different objects, the green loop object would have been redirected to and included in the orange loop.

By attaching different loop objects to loop nodes and loop exit nodes, information about the different distances to `zone1` can be kept within the loop cluster.
Cactus loops: By attaching different loop objects to loop nodes and loop exit nodes, information about the different distances to `zone1` can be kept within the loop cluster.

Loop preparation

To subsume all nodes of nested cycles within a single loop, Netspoc iterates over all loop nodes. If a node references a nested loop in its loop variable, the reference is reset to the top level containing loop using the information from the redirect variable of the loop object.

Finally, Netspoc clusters all cactus graph loops by adding a reference to the exit node of the whole cluster as clusterExit to all loop objects of the cluster.

Possible addition: Picture of clustering

Perform consistency checks

Now that loops are identified and labeled, pathrestrictions and virtual IP addresses, both features that are defined for loops, can be checked for consistency.

Check for proper pathrestrictions

In cyclic graphs, several paths exists from a destination to a source. Per default, Netspoc finds all such paths and generates appropriate ACLs. To exclude paths, pathrestrictions can be defined. Pathrestrictions refer to 2 or more interfaces inside or at the borders of a cycle. Netspoc excludes paths including at least 2 interfaces of a pathrestriction from ACL generation: In the figure below (Pathrestriction), a pathrestrictions is defined for interfaces 1 and 2. Therefore, paths from n1 to n5 and n6 are considered during ACL generation, while the path from n1 to n4 is not. This is reflected in the interfaces ACLs: traffic between n1 and n4 is not routed by these interfaces.

The pathrestriction at interfaces IF1 and IF2 results in adapted ACLs.
Pathrestriction: The pathrestriction at interfaces IF1 and IF2 results in adapted ACLs.

Netspoc assures all defined pathrestrictions to fulfill the requirements and checks that they have an effect on ACL generation. Proper pathrestrictions are then stored in a global array.

Possible addition: When does a pathrestriction affect ACLs?

Check usage of virtual interfaces

To assure a connection between two networks, they can be connected by more than one router, using HSRP or VRRP and a virtual IP address to establish a redundant connection.

The usage of virtual IP addresses within the topology affects the generation of both ACLs and static routes: Routers sharing a virtual IP address need to communicate to determine which router is active. Therefore the usage of virtual IP addresses will be reflected in the ACLs of the participating interfaces. For the generation of static routes, the interfaces virtual IPs have to be used instead of the real ones.

For this reason, Netspoc policy language allows to model virtual IP addresses:

network:n1 = {ip =;}
network:n2 = {ip =;}

router:r1 = {
 interface:n1 = {ip =;
                 virtual = {ip =; type = HSPR}
                 hardware Ethernet1;}
 interface: n2 = {ip =; hardware = Ethernet2;}

router:r2 = {
 interface:n1 = {ip =;
                 virtual = {ip =; type = HSPR}
                 hardware Ethernet1;}
 interface: n2 = {ip =; hardware = Ethernet2;}

Within the graph representation of topology, the virtual IP address is included more than once, with an additional virtual interface at every participating router (Virtual IP ). Obviously, virtual interfaces are reasonable only within cycles. Therefore Netspoc checks, whether all interfaces sharing a single virtual IP address are located inside the same loop.

Virtual IP adresses are represented in Netspoc as additional interfaces
Virtual IP: Virtual IP adresses are represented in Netspoc as additional interfaces

Finding active routes

After the elementary rule set has been optimized, static routing information is generated for every (source,destination) pair of the set.

Precalculate next hop interfaces

As was mentioned before, paths are searched and found on an abstract topology representation, having routers and zones as nodes. When it comes to routing information thogh, routers within zones are also of interest. Routing information is attached to every interface of a managed router (= zone interface) and provides a next hop interface to a certain destination. Next hop interfaces are not necessarily interfaces of managed routers, but often located inside zones. As routing information needs to be generated for every source and destination pair defined in the rule set, precalculating a general next hop routing information at zone borders accelerates the process of route finding. Therefore, setRoutesInZone determines next hop interfaces to every network of a zone for all zone interfaces. After the function call, every border interface of the zone holds following information:

In every border interface of the zone, information about reachable networks and the hop interfaces leading to these networks is stored.
In-Zone routing information: In every border interface of the zone, information about reachable networks and the hop interfaces leading to these networks is stored.

If the path of a (source,destination) pair is known, the interfaces a zone is entered from and left at can be identified and the next hop interfaces can be looked up easily within the interface.

For example,let source and destination be (n2, n11) in the above picture. From a path (r2.n2, r2.n5, r9.n10, r9.n11) through the graph of managed routers and zones can be deduced that the green zone is entered at r2.n5 and left at r9.n10. Looking up n10 in the general routing information at IF r2.n5 we find r7.n5 to be the next hop interface.

To create general routing information at zone border interfaces, all networks at the border of a zone (border networks) are examined. Interfaces of a border network that are not border interfaces of the zone are the networks next hop interfaces. For every next hop interface, a depth first search is conducted to collect all zone networks reachable from the interface. Then, at every zone/border interface of the border network, a lookup hash is stored with reachable networks as keys and hop interfaces leading to these networks as values.

To avoid processing paths several times, a preprocessing step is conducted. Networks reachable from a hop interface without crossing other hop interfaces are collected in clusters via depth first search.

For an example, have a closer look at the picture below: For hop interfaces r4.n4 and r4.n5, cluster1 is reachable without crossing another hop interface, while for next hop interface r5.n5, cluster2 is reachable.

Clustering networks reachable from a hop interface without crossing other hop interfaces prevents traversing these networks more than once.
Optimize DFS at next hop interfaces: Clustering networks reachable from a hop interface without crossing other hop interfaces prevents traversing these networks more than once.

When the main depth first search is conducted, there is no need to process all networks of a cluster repeatedly. Instead, whenever an interface leading to a cluster is processed, all networks of the cluster can be added to the reachable network set at once and search can proceed with the next interface.

Create routing rule set

For routing, the optimized rule set is further reduced. As routing information is calculated for zone borders, mainly the source and destination zone pairs of the optimized rule set are of interest, while protocol information is completely dispensable. Therefore, a pseudo rule is generated for every source and destination zone pair and stored in the routing tree. To generate routing information for the first and last interface of a route, source and destination networks for every pair are extracted from the elementary rule set and stored within the associated pseudo rule. Source and destination zone pairs of rules deleted during optimization are contained within the routing tree because of a containing rule. If however either source or destination or both are interfaces of a managed router, routing information for these interfaces must also be generated. For this reason, deleted rules with such properties are also processed and their source and destination are stored within the pseudo rule.

In the rule set below, rule2 is contained within rule1 and was therefore tagged as deleted.

rule1: action = permit, source = n2, dest = n6, prt = tcp 80-90
rule2: action = permit, source = r1.n2, dest = n6, prt = tcp 80 - deleted

When the rule for rule1 is created, contains the source and destinarion pair of both rule1 and rule2.

pseudo rule: action: permit, source: n2, dest: n6, prt: ---
src networks: n2, dst networks: n6

A closer look at the corresponding topology reveals, that in this case, r1.n2 is an interface of a managed router.

Interface r1.n2 belongs to a managed router.
Pseudo rule example: Interface r1.n2 belongs to a managed router.

Thus, although rule2s source r1.n2 is an address within n2, it is still a managed interface that needs routing information. Therefore, rule2 needs to be considered in the pseudo rule by additional information:

pseudo rule: action: permit, source: n1, dest: n5, prt: ---
src networks: n2, dst networks: n6,
src interfaces: r1.n2, dst networks for src interfaces: n6

Generate routing information

Every pseudo rule is now processed to generate rule specific routing information. First, route paths for the rules (source,destination) pair are found via pathMark. The way this function works has been briefly touched opon above and will be explained in detail below. For an abstract zone and router topology, it stores in every interface on a path from source to destination the next interface in direction to destination. After the path has been found, every zone of the path is visited again by pathWalk. This function applies a given function to every zone or router on path. As it is repeatedly used within Netspoc, is is described in general below. In this case, the called function collects a pair of interfaces for every visited zone, consisting of the interface the zone is entered from and the interface the zone is left at. For the first and last zone on path, no pair can be collected, as these zones are not crossed, but the path starts or ends within these zones instead. Just one interface is stored for these zones.

Next hop information is generated then for zone interface pairs and single zone interfaces, using the zones general next hop information generated before.

Working on paths

Throughout the Netspoc program workflow, paths from rule sources to destinations are processed several times, for example to generate ACL or routing information for interfaces on a rules path.

To avoid unnecessary calculations, every path is explored only once, using the pathMark function and information is stored to reconstruct the path from.

Basically, path mark finds paths from source to destination as has been briefly explained above. On the abstract zone/router representation of the topology, it starts from a rules source and destination nodes (router or zone). From both of these, a while loop iteratively steps towards zone1 (lower distances, that is), always taking the next step from the node with higher distance, until the paths meet. Path information is stored within the interfaces on path, with every interface holding the next interface towards destination within the destination specific path attribute. A path attribute is also created within the source object. Thus, the path can easily be reconstructed whenever it is to be traversed again. A simple example of path mark is depicted in the figure below.

The path from src to dst is marked iteratively, starting at both src and dst until the paths meet. In every iteration, first path information is added to the interfaces, then the pointer is moved to the next node in direction to zone 1.
pathMark: The path from src to dst is marked iteratively, starting at both src and dst until the paths meet. In every iteration, first path information is added to the interfaces, then the pointer is moved to the next node in direction to zone 1.

Due to special cases like pathrestrictions and loops, the basic algorithm described above has several extensions, that are supposed to be explained in detail.

Marking paths in cycles

For paths leading through loops, path information that is attached to interfaces is not sufficient: within the loop, several paths to a certain destination might exist, beginning at different sources. Due to pathrestrictions, path information valid for one of them is not necessarily valid for the other. The example below shows, that path attributes at interfaces r1.n2 and r2.n2 differ, depending on the source - the path from src1 to dst has to pass the loop clockwise, while a path from src2 is only possible the other way round.

Within loops, the direction towards a destination depends on source node and pathrestrictions.
Loop path mark: Within loops, the direction towards a destination depends on source node and pathrestrictions.

For this reason, path information for the whole loop path is stored at the loop entry node, providing exactly the same information that is otherwise stored within the interfaces in the form of path tuples, holding for every node (zone and router) on the path the interface the node is entered from and left at.

As was touched upon already, the procession of a loop or loop cluster on the path is taking place within a single step of the basic algorithm. Accordingly, within the path attribute of the loop entering interface, the interface the loop is left at is stored as next interface on path and not the next interface inside the loop. For later path reconstruction, a marker is attached to the loop entering interface, indicating that is is required to pass a loop to get to the next interface stored in the path variable.

Of course, the path through the loop still needs to be detected, using function clusterPathMark. Usually, loop topologies would have pathrestrictions attached. As pathrestrictions require checks and tests that obfuscate the underlying algorithm, first assume a topology without pathrestrictions to explain it:

1. During pathMark, a loop node (r4) was found. pathMark stores the path information in the next interface of the linear path and calls clusterPathMark to find the paths from loop exit node (r1) to the detected loop node.

clusterPathMark is called with a pair of loop nodes that specify start and end node of a path through the cluster. If neither source nor destination are located within the loop, the start node is the loop exit node, and the end node is the node where the loop is entered from. Then, a depth first search is conducted, beginning at start node, to find all paths through the loop that reach the end node. During this depth first search run, only loop nodes are processed. When the end node has been found, the algorithm returns from recursion and collects path information. In contrast to the basic algorithm, path information is not stored within the interfaces on path but within the first node of the loop. It holds for every possible path through the loop the interfaces where the loop path starts and ends as well as tuples describing the path. Every tuple holds [entrance interface, exit interface] of a router or zone node on loop path.

2. ClusterPathMark adds loop entry information to the next interface on path and performs a depth first search on loop nodes, starting at loop exit node (r1). It returns when a path (the initiating loop node) is found.
3. As the recursion stack is processed, path information isgenerated and stored within the first node on loop path from source to destination (r1).
4. Depth first search proceeds until all possible loop paths are tested.
5. Adding further path information to the loop exit node.

As the depth first search approach can be rather expensive, especially with loop clusters, search space is reduced to those loops that are actually and necessarily passed on the path from source to destination.

Only Loop1 Exit, Loop1, Loop3 and Loop5 need to be passed on a way from source to destination.
Path trough a loop cluster: Only Loop1 Exit, Loop1, Loop3 and Loop5 need to be passed on a way from source to destination.

To identify these loops, clusterNavigation is called with the nodes where the loop cluster is entered and left as arguments. It identifies paths through the loop cluster in a way similar to the basic pathMark algorithm. Beginning at the loops of the given nodes, steps are iteratively taken towards lower distances. Within every step, a new loop is entered, and a navigation lookup hash is filled. It stores for every loop those loops that are purposeful to enter from the actual loop on the path from source to destination. For the topology above, following hash would be generated:

Loop5      -> Loop5
Loop3      -> Loop3, Loop5
Loop1      -> Loop1, Loop3
Loop1 Exit -> Loop1 Exit, Loop1

The navigation hash is then attached to start node and can be used to limit search space during clusterPathMark: Whenever a new node is to be entered during depth first search, the loop of the actual node can be looked up in the navigation hash. If the loop of the next node is not within the set of purposeful loops, the node to enter can not lie on the searched path. It can therefore be excluded from the serach space.

Dealing with path restrictions

As soon as pathrestrictions are added to the topology, lots of special cases and side effects have to be considered when marking paths.

A closer look at pathrestrictions during pathMark will follow soon! Just some notes for now:


For a given rule, path walk applies a function that is specified within the arguments at every router or zone node of the path from rules source to its destination. As a very generic function it is used all over the programm to generate and collect information like static routes or ACLs.

If the path for the rules (source, destination) pair is not yet known, pathWalk calls pathMark to calculate it.

Then, every node of the path is visited, following the path information stored at the interfaces, and the given function is called at every router or zone node, depending on the arguments given.

As with pathMark, loop paths are processed in a single iteration step of the basic algorithm, processing the path information stored in the first node of the loop path.

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